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Sample Letter: REGISTRAR Dropped Course Notification



Custom Letters Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 525

Sample Letter: REGISTRAR Dropped Course Notification

Navigation Path
System Administrator --> Settings --> Registrar (to enable notifications)
Registrar  → Custom Letters


Issued By:


Sandbox College

123 Sandbox Road

Orlando, FL 32822

{firstname} {lastname}



{city} {state}, {zip}

Course: {courseCode} - {courseName}
Semester: {cohortCode}
Drop Date: {nowDate_asText}

This email is to notify you that {firstname} has requested to be dropped from {courseCode} {courseName}


- The Registrar's Office

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Article details
Article ID: 525
Category: Usable Letters
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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