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Custom Reports / Analytics


Custom Reports / Analytics

 examYARD.com provides several ways to break down and analyze exam scores. The following document

will explain various ways for an administrator to create a custom report to view/ interpret exam results. 


First we will show a single criteria search followed by a multiple criteria search.



Creating a Report with a Single Search Criteria 

AClick on "Reports"

B: Click on "Analytics"

CSelect the exam

DClick on drop down box to select search category

EClick on one of the following: 

       - "LIKE" ... uses wild cards (%)                  - "NOT LIKE" ... Does not include 

       - "=" ... Equal or the same 

       - ">" ... Greater than                                - ">=" ... Greater than or equal too

       - "<" ... Less than                                     - "<=" ... Less than or equal too                                                              

F: Select the specification of the search category (D)

G: Click on one of the following:

       - "STOP" ... End of the search criteria       - "AND" ... A and B 

       - "OR" ... option A or B                            - "NOT" ... anything but A

HClick on "Run Report"

          *"Save Report" will save the report

IThe report will come up 

         *All students that took the AB BIBLE 1 (Entrance Exam) in 2017

JClick on "View" to see the individual user's results



 Creating a Report with Multiple Criteria

ASelect the exam

B: Fill in search criteria

       - Use: "AND"   "OR"   "NOT" to create a more specific report

       - Use: "Stop" to end the criteria 

CClick on "Run Report"

          *"Save Report" will save the report

DThe report will come up 

         *All Female students that took the AB BIBLE 1 (Entrance Exam) in 2017

EClick on "View" to see the individual user's results



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If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA  

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Article ID: 266
Category: Reporting
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