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Help Fund Me: Student Manual


Help Fund Me: Student Manual

Help Fund Me is a tool to aid students with ways to creatively off set costs through fundraising!


AClick on "Users Profile"

BClick on "My Giving"

CClick on "Help Fund Me"


 AClick on "GO"

Personal Campaigns 

A gift is considered to be donations made without the expectation of getting something in return. Under IRS rules, an individual can give another individual a gift of up to $14,000 without tax implications (to the giver). 
However Oasis Technologies has to report to the IRS campaigns that total at least $20,000 and 200 transactions

Registered Campaigns

If the gift is funded directly to your institution and if your institution is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization then the gift may be receiptable for tax purposes. This type of campaign must be approved by your organization's development office. Don't worry ... this is all done automatically using this software, though they may want to talk with you.


AClick on "add New Campaign"

BCreate a title (Best to keep it short!)

CClick on "OK"


 AClick on "edit"



- The "About" Section

The page below is only seen only by you and not seen by anyone you share your URL with. There is no editing necessary to this page it is informing you of what you the project manager can do with this tool.



 - Creating a Slide Show

When a user first opens your Help Fund Me web page they will see a 1-3 picture slide show of your choosing.  

AClick on "Slideshow"

BClick on "Upload Document"


CClick on "Browse"

DSelect your picture

EClick on "Open"

F: The "" check mark says that your picture has uploaded successfully

GClick on "red circle with the white "X"


 HClick on green "Refresh" button






- Creating the Welcome Page

The Welcome page is where you will welcome people to your cite and explain the purpose for your fund raiser. You have the choice to add another picture here.

AClick on "Welcome Page"

BClick on "Upload Document" 



CClick on "Browse"

DSelect your picture

EClick on "Open"

F: The "" check mark says that your picture has uploaded successfully

GClick on "red circle with the white "X"


  HClick on green "Refresh" button





- Creating the Thank You Page

The text you write in the thank you page section will NOT show up on your web page... your thanks will appear in letter form on the donors receipt.

AClick on "Thank You"

BWrite a thank you message

CClick on "Save Description"


If you licence has NOT been activated or is expired

AClick on "Billing"

BSelect a time frame for your licence

Cif your screen shows "EXPIRED" Your URL is inactive and will not work

    - After you select a licence term then your screen will show "ACTIVE" and URL will work


If you licence is activate

AClick on "Billing"

B: You don't need these unless you are extending you license.

Cif your screen shows "ACTIVE" Your URL is active and will bring you to your web page

    - Click on "view"


    - Copy URL in to search bar




- Your Webpage

This is what anyone that clicks on your URL will see


To Donate to you- People simply...

AClick on "Send Your Gift Now"


BFill in all information fields

CClick on "Post Payment"

DClick on "Print"

     - The "print" button will bring up the Receipt and thank you page





- Contacting You 

AUsers can fill in the information to send you a message to your email.

BClick on "Submit"



 Please see the "Help Fund Me: Release of Funds" Article for how to claim donations


Please see the "Help Fund Me: A General Overview" Article for more details




All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA  

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Article details
Article ID: 36
Category: Help Fund Me
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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