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Why won't my custom forms advance or go back?


Why won't my custom forms advance or go back?

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Users Toolbar  → Custom Forms  

Each custom form in the OASIS system comes with its own dynamic web URL.  This URL is required to link forms in a progression.
Copy THIS URL to the form that forwards to this form.
Copy THIS URL to the form that backs up to this form.

Custom forms can be set up to link progressively from one (page / form) to another.  If this exists the software will automatically add FORWARD and BACK buttons at the bottom of the form.


In order for the linkage between forms to work the URL of the future (page / form) and the past (page / form) must be entered into the custom forms buildout for the page you are working on.


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Article ID: 31
Category: Custom Forms
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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