Building an Institution Infosheet
A: Under Navigation go to "System Administrator"
B: Click on "Settings"
C: Click on "Web Page"
D: Click on "Building Institution's Infosheet"
E: Click on "About"
F: No work needs to be done on this page. This page is meant simply to inform you that you have the ability to
paste the link associated to your web page into any social media website. Once posted the link will apear with
a full picture, act as an advertisment and people can click any where on the post to be taken to your website!
**Link found under the "Publish" tab
- See step V for more help on where the link is located
G: Click on "Slideshow"
H: Click on "Upload Document"
- Click on "browse"
- Click on the document you wish to upload
- Click "Ok"
- Close the browse window
- Click the green refresh button
I: Click on "Welcome"
J: Type up a quick (800 word max) introduction about your institution
- Be sure to click the green save button when you're finished
K: Click on "Upload Document"
L: Click on "Story Board"
M: Type in the name
N: Type in a quote, where the person is from, or what year the person graduated
O: Type up a quick (800 word max) testimony or interview
P: Click on "Upload Document"
Q: Click on "Social Media"
R: Paste the link assocciated to each social media account your institution has
- If your institution does not use one of the social media cites listed... click on the website and delete it
S: Click on "Publish"
T: Select which attributes you wish to include
U: Type in contact information
V: Click on "View" to see the user's view of your web page
All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities). If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.
(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA
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