Custom Letters ModuleKnowledge Base 2.0 article 371
Navigation Path<module> → Custom Letters
A merge field can be added to any custom letter using the {mergeField} format. Each custom field in your Custom Forms database has a code.
Here is a list of System Fields that can be used as merge fields in your custom letters:
Single Gift Letters / Acknowledgement Letters
Single Gift Date
Single Gift Amount
Year to Date giving total
Reference ID
Code assigned to this fund or project
Name assigned to this fund or project
Cach, Check, CC etc.
If exists, a combined names data point
If exists, a combined names salutation data point
Tax Receipt
Institutions Registration Number
Tax Receipt number
Tax Receipt Gift Date
Tax Receipt Gift Amount
SHOWS AS TABLEList of receptive items for a given tax receipt
Gift Statement
SHOWS AS TABLEList of historical giving for the specified period of time.
Total amount of giving included in the {giftGivingHistory} table
Campaign Giving (capital campaign)
Short code for the campaign
Name assigned to this capital campaign
The capital campaign goal.
Pledged / Planned Giving and Campaign Giving common fields
Internal name given to the users pledge
Date the commitment was posted as.
The total financial commitment that was made.
SHOWS AS TABLEList of future giving schedules tied to the pledge.
The “monthly” financial commitment.
The “monthly” commitment date.
The total amount of committed pledge yet to be recognized.
SHOWS AS TABLEList of historical giving posted that is tied to the pledge.
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