Posting: Online Donations
The following article explains how to post donations made online.
A: Click on "Online Giving"
B: Click on "Process Gift"
C: This is the name of the donor that has given a donation
D: Click on the search box
-type in the donors name to see if they are a user
E: Click on "Go"
F: Cross check the donors name to the user's name
Fa: If the donor is NOT a user then click "Create New Donor Record"
G: If the Donor IS a user then click on "Select" next to the user's name
H: Cross check again that the donors name and the user's name match
I: Click on "Import Donation to this Record"
J: The donation amount has been posted successfully
Please see the "Posting: Planned Giving" article for how to post planned giving.
Please see the "Posting: One Time Gift" article for how to post a gift.
Please see the "Posting: Pledged Giving" article for how to post pledge giving.
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