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What are the Merge Fields for Common System Fields?



Custom Letters Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 484

What are the Merge Fields for Common System Fields?

Navigation Path
<module> → Custom Letters

A merge field can be added to any custom letter using the {mergeField} format.  Each custom field in your Custom Forms database has a code.  

Here is a list of System Fields that can be used as merge fields in your custom letters:


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Timestamp: Text

May 19, 2023


Timestamp: Time

12:08:49 PM


Timestamp: (all)

2023-05-19 12:08:49 PM


Timestamp: Text (all)

May-19-2023 12:08:49 PM


Timestamp: Year



Website Contact Fields




















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Tags for the Person Generating the Letter











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Article details
Article ID: 484
Category: Merge Fields
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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