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Letters: Producing Gift History


Letters: Producing Gift History

The letter you create can be seen on screen or as a PDF when the user hits "print"


AClick on "Letters"

BClick on "add new letter"


C: Type in a title for the letter

        MUST SAY "DVLP:" in front of the letter title

D: Click on "OK"


EClick on "edit"


Fa: Type in users email

Fb: Select the permissions they have to the letter

FcClick on "add user"

GClick on "edit"



HClick on the box to create receipt 

I: This code will pull ALL giving history

JClick on "Update Content"


Please see the "Receipting: Campaign Pledge Gift Receipts" Article for more details


Please see the "Receipting: One Time Gift Receipts" Article for more details


Please see the "Receipting: Multiple Gifts on Single Receipts" Article for more details 




All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA  

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