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Course: Setting Up Assignments (Categories)




Faculty Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 7


Setting Up Courses Assignments (Categories)


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Faculty Module – Course - Assignments



The final grade is a weighted average of the active categories that have been created.

When building your course determine:

  1.  What your assignment categories

  2. In relation to the final grade, what is the category worth.

Category 1 is worth 200 pts of 800 pt or 25% of the final grade.

Category 2 is worth 100 pts of 800 pt or 12.5% of the final grade.

Category 3 is worth 500 pts of 800 pt or 62.5% of the final grade.


Read also:

buildCourse-whitePaper.pdf buildCourse-whitePaper.pdf

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Article ID: 7
Category: Course Set up
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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