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» Category: Finance Management System  (Go back)

» Subcategories:

Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts: Library Over Due Fees
Chart of Accounts: Tuition Type and Assigning Course Tuition Rates
Setting up the Chart of Accounts
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1098T Tax Form
1098T: Tax Identification Number
1098T: IRS Annual Filings
1098T: W9S Form
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General Ledger
Reports: General Ledger Reports
Reports: Point in Time
Reports: 30-60-90
Invoices: Manual Invoices
Invoices: Batch Posting
How do you refund the registration cart?
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Emailing PAY NOW Invoices
Setting up PAY NOW Invoices (email and pdf)
Payment Plans
The Payment Plan Contract (Custom Letters)
Setting Up Payment Plans
Managing Payments - Manual Plans
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Payments: Batch Payments
Payments: Electronic Payments
Setting up Scholarships
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Registration: The Registration Cart
Dropped Courses
Batch Posting to the Registration Cart

» Articles in this category:

Navigating The Dashboard Article not rated yet
The Finance Dashboard WIDGET: Receivables

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