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Sample Letter: Parent Portal Activation Letter



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Knowledge Base 2.0 article 373

Sample Letter: Parent Portal Activation Letter



Sold By:

Student Account:

Sandbox College

123 Sandbox Road

Orlando, FL 32822

{firstname} {lastname}



{city} {state}, {zip}

Id Number: {idnum}

The Parent Portal is designed to encourage positive interaction between yourself and you child's teachers using your own account within our Student Information and Learning Management System.  We invite parents to register so that we may keep the lines of communication open.

Once you register online you may access your child's academic, financial, attendance and other records.  Each parent / guardian can have their own unique account.

To register follow these easy steps:

1) Go to the parent portal website: {pp_portalURL}
2) Select "Sign In" from the top of the page (menu bar)
3) Click "New User" or "Returning User"
4) New Users: enter in your unique email address and click "Create Account"
5) Enter in your students unique "Invitation Code"

Your child's invitation code is: {pp_invitationCode}

The parent portal is a subscription based platform.  You are able to select the term of your subscription and pay online using your credit card.


1 Month: 4.99

3 Months: 5.99

6 Months: 6.99

12 Months: 9.99


You can access your student information for FREE by entering in the following code into the "I Have a Code" field on the licensing page: {pp_ihaveaCode}


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Article details
Article ID: 373
Category: Usable Letters
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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