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» Category: Faculty Management System  (Go back)

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Course Set up
Course: Setting Up Assignments (Assignments)
Course: Setting Up Assignments (General Overview)
Course: Setting Up Assignments (Categories)
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Course: Grading Student Assignments
Course: Submitting Final Grades to the Registrar
Attendance: Recording Student Attendance
Attendance: Setting up Lecture Calendar
Resources: Creating General Resources
Resources: Creating Restricted Resources
Resources: Restricted Resources vs General Resources
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Threads: Creating New Threads
Threads: Viewing and Managing Course Threads
Threads - Viewing Student Comments
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Exams: Creating New Exams
Exams: Assigning Exams to an Assignment
My Chat: Assigning Members to a Chat
My Chat: Enabling My Chat

» Articles in this category:

Knowledge Base: Help Wanted! Article not rated yet
Knowledge Base   For the past 13 years Matt and I have worked d
Class News: Creating News Posts Article not rated yet
News and Posts allows you to post comments to the student's page that they are able to review.   This tool is intended to act as a fast means to p
Course: Migrating Course Build from one Cohort to Another Article rated 5.0/5.0
 We recognize that building out a course can take a lot of work and that you don't want to have re-create a course design year after year after year.  For this reason we have created the Migrate
Directory: Reviewing the Student Record Article not rated yet
From time to time you may want to review your student directory, where you can see final grades, the date of last login or review the student's a
Reviewing Student Uploads (Files) Article rated 1.0/5.0
If you have enabled document uploads in some of your student assignments, there is a quick way to review those files.  
Sending Emails Article rated 5.0/5.0
Emailing your class is something that you will want to do frequently and sending emails has never been easier.   

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