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Threads: Viewing and Managing Course Threads


 Now that your thread has been created you will want to provide some content to it.


A: Select the My Courses tab

B: Search for the course that you are looking for

C: The table shown will sort search results by cohort, and then courses in alphabetical order

D: Select the VIEW button to enter into the courses toolbar for the course selected 



A: Select the Threads tab

B: Locate the tread you want to edit and then click on the GREED "view" button.



This is considered to be LEVEL 2 of the thread. 

LEVEL 1 is managed outside of the course, through the threads tab of the Faculty toolbar.

A: Click the GREY "add new comment" to create a new thread / response to this thread.

B: Click the GREEN "view" button to view Level 3 responses to this item.

C: Click the YELLOW "edit" button to edit the text / instructions for this thread.



Understanding the concept of LEVELS in threads.

  • LEVEL 1: Read the following article and comment
    • LEVEL 2: Describe the stitching technique used in this diagram?
      • [view] shows Level 3 (responses to the Level 2 instructions)

    • LEVEL 2: What is the dominant color of this jersey?
      • [view] shows Level 3 (responses to the Level 2 instructions)

    • LEVEL 2: What type of collar does this jersey have?
      • [view] shows Level 3 (responses to the Level 2 instructions)



All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2018 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA  

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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Threads
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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