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How do I add an Academic Department?



Registrars Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 301

How do I add an Academic Department?

Navigation Path
Registrars Module → Academic Catalog → Directory Departments

Academic Departments can be used as a method of advising students.  Any student enrolled in a program of study that is connected to an Academic Department can be advised by the Department Head as well as the Assistant Department Head(s) via the Faculty Advisor Module.


A status of “open” means you are actively using the Academic Department, “closed” means you no longer need the department available.


Use the “Add New Department” button at the top of the screen to create your new department.  Enter in the name you would like your Department  to be in the pop-up box, then click OK.



To specify the individual who is the Department Head, click inside the text box above “Department Head” and start typing the name. Once you see the name you need, click on the name and then the screen will refresh.



Follow the same process for any  Assistant Department Heads you need (up to a total of 3).


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Article ID: 301
Category: Registrar Management System
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