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Custom Reports - Building Exclusions


Building Exclusions into Custom Reports


The Custom Reports function is a very powerful tool, and can used in a variety of ways to find data or information you might be looking for.  However, in certain circumstances, you will need to build exclusions into your reports, to make sure you get the right information.


Here's a couple examples:


1.) Academics - Enrolled Program of Study:  As you know, a student can be enrolled into any number of different programs, and some of them can be marked as Dropped (Drop Date), or even Graduated (Grad Date).  Based on that, you'll need to know when and what to exclude when building a report.


For example, if you're looking to build a report with actively enrolled programs/students, you'll need to build exclusions into your report.. i.e. you'll need to add:


[PE] Program: Grad Date IS NULL AND

[PE] Program: Drop Date IS NULL



somewhere in your report (for Search Criteria)..   These items will help by eliminating any programs that the student has graduated with or dropped..


2.) Development - Posting of Gifts: Occasionally when posting gifts, a mistake will be made, and the gift needed to be voided and/or deleted.  These types of exclusions would also need to be considered when creating a custom report around giving.  i.e. you'll need to add:


[UD] Donor Type LIKE D AND

[UD] Gift Status NOT LIKE deleted AND

[UD] Gift Status NOT LIKE voided


3.) All Modules - Individual's Status: Generally speaking, when it comes to a individual's status in the system, statuses are typically always added, and very rarely taken away.  There are a couple exceptions to that (like Academic Probation or Leave of Absence).  Keeping that in mind, when using an individual's status in building a report, you'll want to build in exclusions.


For example, if you're looking to build a report with active students, you'll need to build exclusions into your report.. i.e. you'll need to add:


[S] StudentBit HAS BIT 32 NOT

[S] StudentBit HAS BIT 1024


somewhere in your report (for Search Criteria)..   These items will help by eliminating any individuals who are marked as a Student (Undergraduate), and not also marked as an Alumni (for my above example)..


All articles in the Knowledge Base have been submitted by one of our users, from one of our member schools (colleges / universities).  
If you would like to become a Knowledge Base contributor please contact us through the Help Desk and let us know of your interest.


(c) 2019 Oasis Technologies | Orlando, Florida USA  

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Article ID: 382
Category: Custom Reports
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