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How do you ADD / REGISTER a student in a class?




Registrars Module
Knowledge Base 2.0 article 438

How do you ADD / REGISTER a student in a class?

Navigation Path
Registrars Module → Registration → Register Now


To register a student into a class:

  1. Enter in the students name
  2. Enter in the academic year
  3. Enter in the cohort
  4. Select to show courses by “All Available” or “Specific to My Program”
  5. Select to show “For Credit” or “For Audit”
  6. Click on   GO .

The left side of the page will show you eligible courses that you can select from to register.

The right side will show you what courses have been placed into the registration cart. 



To register for a course simply DRAG the course from the right side to the left side.


Once items have been placed into the registration cart the student can be considered as registered into the course pending someone from the finance department processing the cart and billing / creating an invoice for those courses.  In some cases, the course may have to be “approved” if that setting has been assigned to the course.

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Article details
Article ID: 438
Category: Registration
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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